Qobuz Issues?

I am not able to log into Qobuz.  Anyone else experiencing issues?


Showing 6 responses by painter24

From what I can make out over on Reddit, N.America seems to be fine; it's the UK and Western Europe that's gone down. Oh well, Radio Paradise, here we come 🥳 could be worse

I was finally able to login to the Qobuz app again, but not through Sense. I had to uninstall Sense, access the Zen Mini via web (my.innos.com) and was able to log in to Qobuz again. I then reinstalled Sense, 30 mins to re-update my Qobuz library and good to go.

Such a relief, I thought I would be without Qobuz for mine and Mrs Painter's Friday booze and Jazz evening 🥳🥳🥳

I still can't login via Sense, the Qobuz app throws an error up when trying to login. I can access my account via www. but nothing else