Problems with U.P.S.

I have had five problems with ups in two months. They have lost cod checks, destroyed a package that was packed in a crate, and even delivered a package to a completely diffirent address that was on the label. They even accepted a bank check with the wrong name on it. I am the only one having problems with them? Any recommendation on alternate shipping companies would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by bigmill

Has anyone in these comments rated UPS on their record of handling their responsibility to pay legitimate claims in a timely fashion? As far as I am concerned, my loss of ONE of a pair of rare and expensive monoblocks by them having used the drop-kick method to get it here, is total, and I will suggest to their inspector TOMORROW A.M. when he shows up that I will not budge from this position and that no negotiation over the matter is being offered. Do wish me luck as, for possibly others in love with high-end audio and the gear required to constantly up-grade systems, for me, this is a life-changing amount of money.