preamp inverts polarity

I have a DeHavilland Ultraverve 3 preamp that inverts polarity.
my problem is my speaker cables, the negative cable is designed for negative terminal connection as is the positive cable is designed for positive terminal connection, so reversing the speaker cables defeats the design of the speaker cables.

what am I to do ?
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Well, relative to Kaitty at least I work in the live sound business, where in his case he seems to work only for the cheap shot. 
I have a tube preamp that inverts polarity (for some reason it is designed that way).  I reversed the speaker connection on one of the speakers, and it sounded better to me.

Playing a test record confirmed my suspicion.

The catch is:  not all of my records sound better with the speaker wires reversed on one speaker.  I would say 80% of my records sound fine either way (I can't hear a difference), but some (those with good sound staging) have improved "imaging" (if I am using that term correctly).  And a few "image" better the other way.

This makes no sense to me.  Is "phase inversion" the same as "polarity inversion"?  And why do some recordings seem to have it backwards?

And why would anyone want to change both speakers? 
preamp manufacturers say both speakers, if you only do one then the speakers are out of phase.  that is one woofer goes out while the other goes in thus canceling the bass out.