Pre amp match for Bryston 4B ST

It's time for a change again and I'm looking for recommendations on a pre amp match for my Bryston 4B ST. I've used a Sonic Frontiers Line 1 & SFL-1 Signature, Manley Shrimp, Bryston BP-25 & 0.5, McCormack ALD, and NAD in the past. I like to have a bit of warmth but a lot of detail and PRAT too. I've had good luck with both tube and SS in the past. The rest of my equipment is KEF 104/2 speakers, Classe CDP-10, Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway III+ interconnects & Pro 9+ speaker cables. Just looking for any other matches people can recommend out there. My budget is up to $3000 used or new.

Thanks for the help,

I would put my money in the speakers. The 104/2 was good in its time but much better ones would be available today for the $3000 + what you could get for the 104/2s.
If you can stretch your budget another $800-$1000 I'd take a look at a used Audio Research LS26.