Power Cord Length

Here's one for the electric wizards to kick around. Whilst attending Axpona this weekend I was doing some power cord shopping. At one particular display I was being told by a very well known cable company representative, I'll not mention the name so it doesn't influence any responses, that the rule of thumb is that in order for the pwr cord to be effective it needs to be at least five feet long. This allows the current to be in the cord long enough for it to be effective. Ok, I'm really dumb when it comes to this sort of thing so maybe I said that in the most simpliest of words but that's pretty much how it was explained. Anyone care to elaborate on this good or bad?
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Jea48 wrote,

"geoffkait, I can understand why you of all people would feel the need to support Nordost cable claims without any theories or testing what so ever to back up what they believe."

Huh?! White Paper is my middle name.  

Then Jea48 wrote,

"Maybe you can find a white paper Nordost has published and share it with us all."

Yes, actually I can. The real question is can you?  The primary reason audiophiles claim they can't find stuff is because they'd rather belly ache than look. 


Geoff Kait

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As a relative newcomer, I may be out of line, but I really hate it when the original question gets lost and rancor and animosity lead us down the slippery slope to nowhere.
Either agree to disagree or just let it go....
Post removed 

Jea48 wrote,

"geoffkait, I can understand why you of all people would feel the need to support Nordost cable claims without any theories or testing what so ever to back up what they believe."

Huh?! White Paper is my middle name.  

I would love to read your white paper for this tweak of yours.