Periodic replacement of Audio Grade Fuses?

I just installed 2 Isoclean Power 24k gold fuses in a pair of Quicksilver mono amps. I am very happy with the results.

The card that came with the fuses stated "Fuses always carry high electric current thereby easily causing metal fatigue. This would then adversely alter the conductivity behavior of the fuse element and hence the performance of the equipment. Under normal conditions, Audio Grade Fuses should be replaced from every 6 to 12 months the longest."

I have had regular Buss fuses in my equipment for many years without need for replacement. It would seem that if the fuse element fatigues enough, that the fuse would blow or fail. At $50 a pop, this would add up. Seems that regular replacement is sales hype and would only benefit the fuse manufacturer. I am not electronically tech savvy.

Any thoughts on this?
"Under normal conditions, Audio Grade Fuses should be replaced from every 6 to 12 months the longest."

I have some ocean front property in Colorado for sale...
Maybe they will offer a baker's dozen in the interest of providing better value to their customers?

I suppose science has its limits and a really good fuse can only be really good for a short time. Its a darn shame. I suppose if a good bottle of wine must be replaced frequently if partaken of why not fuses?
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