Performance loss in used amplifiers?

Recently purchased Mark Levinson 383, 6 years old. Should I be worried about any performance loss? Specifically, does anything in the amp "wear out"? in this amp or any amp. Assume, normal use.

Showing 1 response by studio1

What an excellent question! I echo the first response on the elctrolytic caps......and I can tell you that transistor amplifiers are FULL of them! The lifecycle of electrolytic caps and carbon resistors (not in your unit) are just a fact of life.

If you are a solid state fan - be prepared for this. Also, realize that with great sounding audio the parts are recipe - meaning that you would be challenged to find that brand, voltage rating, and microfarad rating or suffer a change in sonics with a different brand if you were to change them. It's like a recipe - use the same ingredients or you won't have the same taste. That has been my experience in tweaks over the years.
