Paying it Forward ...

As my oldest son has grown and begun making his way in the world, I have found that music has been a topic that we can find common ground upon. He has discovered vinyl, and has developed an interesting palate for music that appeals to him. He has introduced me to some new artists that I have enjoyed, and I hopefully have provided him with some music of note.

It got me to thinking, if I could pay it forward from my collection to his, what five pieces of music would I pass on to him (wasn't as easy as I thought!).

Here is what I would pass on to my son - in no particular order:
Uncle Tupelo - No Depression
Marvin Gaye - What's Going On
Miles Davis - Birth of the Cool
REM - Murmur
Van Morrison - Astral Weeks

How about you? What five pieces would you provide to a loved one to enrich and enliven their collection?

Enjoy the music!

Showing 1 response by marqmike

Van Morrison-Moondance
Genesis-Selling England by the pound
Weather Report-Heavy Weather
Return to Forever-Romantic Warrior
Stowkowski on Mendelssohn Sym#4 in a major, opus 90 and Bizet Sym# 1 in C major-Columbia Records masterworks 34567