Pass Labs XA30.8

Hi all,

I had the opportunity to audition the Pass Labs XA30.8 at a dealer was really like the whole presentation - huge,deep soundstage with great depth.

My preamp is Simaudio Moon 390. I am wondering if anyone here is running this combo - Moon 390 with Pass Labs XA30.8s.

My speakers are fairly efficient (92.5dB).

While my current combo (Moon 390 preamp and Moon 330A power amp) is great, the presentation is a little in your face. It feels like I am sitting in the front row with the band right in front. I want a more laid back presentation and hence the mind flirtation with the XA30.8s :)

Appreciate any input if anyone is running this exact combo. Please note I am only looking at XA30.8s and not the X series or any of their Class A mono blocks.


Showing 2 responses by aberyclark

Hi have the Firstwatt J2 and thinking to going up to the 30.8. I hear it will be just a little bit more dynamic and snappy
Low gain is ket with high efficient speakers. More so with Tubes in the system (tube hiss can get super loud). I have the FW J2 and BHK Pre Combo...very quiet. The FW is super low gain.