Oracle Delphi/ ET-2 static electricity issue

I have an Oracle Delphi turntable with Eminent Technology ET-2 arm. WISA pump and air tank.
Sounds absolutely fantastic. However, am experiencing a lot of issues with static electricity
I have one tonearm cable ground wire connected from the grounding screw on the chassis of the Oracle and another grounding wire from the Oracle bearing.
I have no ground to the tonearm itself. Not sure where I could ground it.
I have tried to connect the ground wire to the pre-amp, the power amp, and to my power cleaning device.
Nothing works. I get pops that are loud every couple of minutes.
Anyone else with the same issue.
I hear this is pretty common for air bearing tonearms.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by rushton

Are you using a carbon fiber anti-static brush like the Auidoquest on your LPs? If so, after applying the brush to the LP before play, touch it to the tonearm. You'll probably hear a static discharge audibly through your speakers. I do this routinely before playing each LP with the air bearing tonearm on my Walker Audio turntable. (With the Walker, there is not only the elimination of static pops during play, there is an overall improvement in the sound versus not doing this, so I have twice the incentive to follow this bit of preparation ritual.)