Opinions on the synergy between BAT components

Well, with some regrets, I have sold my Odyssey Stratos
amp, which drove my Hales T-5's very well. I have a BAT
VK-3i pre-amp and was curious what other BAT owners feel
is the advantage in combining a BAT amp (probably a VK
200 or 500) with my 3i. There's a lot of other choices
out there, including a Plinius 100 MK III for about the same
$ as the VK 500 (used). Any advice or opinions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43

Showing 1 response by drewfidelity

I have a BAT VK200 that I use with a BAT 30SE Preamp. I had an Audio Research LS 25II when I purchased the BAT amp. There is no doubt that with the BAT VK200 the 30SE is superior in almost every regard. I believe that this is due to synergy between the same companies components, not necessarily due to better better build quality, technology, ETC. I would expect that the Audio Research preamp would sound better than the BAT if the amplifier was an Audio Research VT100.

I am told that the VK200 is a better sounding amplifier than the VK500 in situations that do not require the additional current offered by the VK500. If your Hales are reasonably efficient I would suggest you listen to the VK200 before you make your final decision. Good Luck