One Amp To ‘Rule’ Them All....

Is there one amplifier that everyone can agree on as a contemporary standard? An amplifier that can be considered a standard in both the studio and in a home stereo setup?

What one amplifier does everything very well and can be found in homes and in professional audio engineering environments?

What amp covers all the bases and gives you a glimpse into all qualities of fine musical reproduction?

...something Yamaha? ...something McIntosh?

Please reread my original post when time permits. I am not looking for ‘the best’, I am looking for all of your opinions on ‘standards’, amplifiers that can be used as a basis for standards and/or as common points of reference. 

Hi Rodman

One thing I have learned from the recent CESs and the news that comes out of them is innovation is our hobby's best friend. It has also helped me when visiting and tuning "gamers" rooms. Tuning rooms for 25 year olds is a trip. Their brains are so fast and hungry for knowledge. While tuning a room this weekend I mentioned something about a PBS show I saw, and before I could push the next pin in this guys fingers were on the keypad pulling up all kinds of videos on the topic I mentioned. He was amazed what I did with the acoustics, but I was sitting there amazed at how quick this guy zoomed in on topics and popped them up on the big screen with like 20 videos on the same topic waiting to load.

The generations have much to learn from each other, and the old school has some very good basics, but the innovation of the new is wild, fresh and smart.



    Confucius say:
" Discussing politics, religion or best amp like
 sticking one's head in hornet's nest: no good will come of it."


Hi Glupson, good to see you!

"Not everybody likes, or has time and attention span, to tweak and adjust. Some like to press the button and not think about it anymore. They are no worse than those who tweak to the end of the world. They just have different approach."

I have to ask, who are you hanging around?

I read comments up here many times and I honestly feel like I'm visiting the nursing home for music lovers. I've seen guys try to get me to think that people are not "doing", but I think they fail to realize that people get ahold of me every single day asking me about the very opposite. If you saw the questions on my emails just from this weekend I would be surprised you could make the statement you just did.

Your second paragraph is much more to the point and easier to understand where you are at in your thoughts.

Glupson, HEA took a detour that the rest of audio technology didn't. While HEA was pushing the high cost revolving door of "One Volume Control Only" the professional and innovative audio world kept moving forward. HEA magazines became out of touch with what was actually taking place in the hobby of listening and fell way behind the learning curve. Now that $30-$200 amps for example are slapping them in the face the era of one volume control only club is finding itself obsolete. HEA will try to act like they were not out on the island they were and will try to switch gears in front of us to make things look the way they want to, like all generations do as they reach that age of little return. But it's too little to late.

As you my friend have mention a few times you are here because you are wasting time for yourself. Consider those who feel the hobby is not the wasting of their time. You might be surprised to see that not everyone is lazed out on their sofa sipping with only the remote in their hand. Or maybe it's just when I come to visit them they put on a display of activity in front of me to impress and then go back to their catatonic state when I leave.

Kind of reminds me of your taking off the lid of a component to say you did it and that qualified you as a "walker". I can't help but notice the active world today moves maybe a little further along then that description of walking. I do wonder however when I see you now posting if you can see the hobby walking or maybe even running by your older posting. Glupson as you can see it didn't take very much for me to move the direction of this forum with the help of other walkers thinking they too are a part of a more ambitious lifestyle than the talkers.

interesting isn't it, smile
