Nightmare selling to Canada

I didn't see 'site-related' as a choice so I'm using 'misc audio'.I feel bad for Canadians wanting to buy our gear. The weight limitation---66lbs--fedex or the PO--- Then unless you lie on the form they may have to pay huge fees.--(up to 35%)????I had a deal in progress; the buyer sent a Canadian MO.I took the bank check to the operations manager at my bank.--She tells me there could be a charge back to my account for a period of up tp 45days later.---I sent the bank check back; unless the buyer wanted to wait 45 days, before I ship the item.As I was returning this check--the postal lady says I could get cash for a Canadian Postal Money Order. --I'm surprised the buyer didn't know this.---After the fact; I now know this.---Sad but true

Showing 1 response by dmitrydr

Hey, hey, it was all right until a camera or a laptop were mentioned. With all the due respect to the rules, how do you, guys, imagine going to Customs office EVERY TIME you travel, for such a indispensable stuff like camera or laptop??? Should I consider moving closer to the Customs offices location?
You know, in Israel with its instable economics (yeah, they say it's getting better) yet recently there was a law demanding to register any camera or laptop in the Customs before travelling, and though the office was located in the aeroport, it was definitely not a pleasure. Now, this rule is cancelled as *outrageous*. Cameras and laptops are excluded from the list they're checking, unless they're new, just because no one travels without them, which puts a substantial overhead both on the customs and travellers.
Please, don't tell me such a thing is still alive and well in Canada!