Newbie, old timer or returned to analog?

I remember in the 80's lots of folks were dumping vinyl. Seems to me that vinyl folks seem to fall in one of 3 categories- either you're new to vinyl, you've never abandoned vinyl, or you dumped your vinyl and have re-entered the vinyl world.

I started buying vinyl in the 70's and never gave up on vinyl. Sure I bought a CD player at some point but I never got rid of a single LP. And I am still buying vinyl. Can't recall the last cd I bought though.

How about you? Where on the spectrum are you?

Showing 1 response by rshak

I've been collecting and listening to vinyl since the 1960's.  I admit to having been sidetracked for a few years after the introduction of CD's, but I never gave up on vinyl, which is still my preferred medium.