NAKAMICHI PA-7 & Klipsch safe and sound

Question: Though I have Cary Tube amp and Vintage Marantz 2226, I’m wanting to power the Heritage iv up with a PA-7 Nelson Pass Class AB… has anyone heard the equivalent? I mean we know low power on 99 db works very well… sound wise,  will this transistor sound bring any new dimension to the sound, that the (40) WPC Rocket 88, and the 2226 don’t exhibit? I have a 12 x18’ room, Stream, and occasional CDs. 
   If all I gain (sitting 9’ away in my sweet-spot) is power, but not in sound, I will sell. What might you say to this please… and thank you. 


Well Moose,  I have the PA-7A MKII amp with a CA-7A pre.  The PA-7 series of NAK amps were a stasis bipolar design.  Smooth in all frequencies with tight bass but I would not characterize them as 'tube like' or warm sounding.  They run in class A for the first 10 watts or so, so given the efficiency of your speakers they'll be driven in class A  most of the time.

The only thing I can say is try it, you may like the more analytical approach to sound or you may not.  Most of the time we prefer what we're used to.

I had a PA7 for a while.Decent sounding amps but why would you use one one high sensitivity speakers?.I also own an Usher R1.5 which is also a Nelson Pass [Threshold] design and sounds better than the PA7 but I think there are much better SS amps to use on high sensitivity speakers.Bakoon for example which sound superb.Which have a zero slew rate.Or even a gainclone type chip amp.

Yep. Thanks. After hookups I listened… hated the sound on my KLIPSCH Heresy 4, so tinny… put my Marantz 2226B back on, and put my PA7 on Marketplace. Thanks again