Musical Prodigies

Today on "Jazz for Aficionados" we were introduced to a young Korean musician who obviously has "the gift."  No one is really sure why this happens, but it's undeniable.

Please share your experiences with musical prodigies!


Showing 2 responses by keegiam

frogman, Joey Alexander was the first one who came to mind when the subject first came up on "Jazz for Aficionados," so I'm not surprised to see him mentioned in the first response here.  He is also quite a gentleman.

This young lady, Kiesse Nanor, came to my attention via local news this summer.  She put on a "covid" concert at her home for whoever wanted to drop by and sit outside on her front lawn.  Pianos aren't very portable, unfortunately.  Here she was at 10 (2014):

The news spot from this summer:
Graciously posted by frogman on the new "prodigies" thread (which is flopping), and well worth sharing with you all here so it doesn't just vanish into the cloud:

Also found this stage performance: