Mus. Fidelity A3.2 or Krell KAV 4000xi integra-amp

I currently have the NAD C370 integrated amp and I'm looking at upgrading to one of the integrated amps mentioned above.
This is my current set up:
-speakers- Castle Acoustics harlech s2
-CD player- Rotel RCS 1070
-Speaker wires- Monster M2.4 biwire
-Interconnect- Monster M1000i
Please help!

Showing 1 response by jms_123

I'm using the Krell KAV-400xi with the SACD Standard driving a pair of Nautilus 804s with excellent results! This Amp. is very powerful putting out 400wpc into 4ohms, it has a rich, detailed sound that can't be beat or matched anywhere near its retail price of $2,500- The performance of this Krell Integrated is right up there with the very best Integrated Amps from JRDG, YBA & Plinius, plus it looks great too!