Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.

Why?  Because acoustical treatments presented are in virtually empty rooms. Unrealistic.

my rooms have furniture and clutter.  These rooms don’t really have a need for treatment.  It’s snake oil, voodoo science.  
So why is accoustical panels gonna help?  No one can answer this, most have no clue.

Showing 2 responses by dekay

I have the Hifi in our living room and as you can see (from the following pic) room treatment wasn't really needed once the room was properly furnished with our favorite things.


Jumia was more observant than me though as...

I never noticed the "window shelves" or the ceiling for that matter.

We lost track of a "cable guy" a few months ago (starting to smell funny in here) and come to think of it I have not seen my wife and one of our cats for a few days now.

I use a fanny pack pack for the remotes (like real men do).

Fanny pack:
