Most emotionally involving cables?

I'm auditioning various cables and recently heard the Audio Magic Excalibur II Interconnects and Speaker Cables. Detail, air, quiet, but what struck me most of all was how I immediately fell into the music. Now this isn't the most expensive cable, or the only one that can do this, I'm sure. I'd like to know what other cables have really pushed people into the music, whatever they're made out of.

Showing 2 responses by argent

Don't get involved with your cables. They'll only hurt you when you upgrade components. Then you'll be forced to separate, and lets face it, the components are more important. Sell the old, audition, buy silver, break the bank. Repeat as necessary.
To clarify: What I mean to say, is that I do not find cables to be emotionally involving. I find music to be emotionally involving. Some people like equipment, some people like music, some people like both. I like both, but I try to upgrade my system so that it sounds like a live performance. Expensive cables provide the least signal degredation. Audition them all. Buy the one that makes the music sound live. When you upgrade the components, you might be changing cables as well.