MintLP/Dynavector 17D3 question

For those who have set up a 17D3 using the MintLP...

I recently purchased a 17D3 for my Scout. I set up the alignment this weekend using the MintLP and had a hard time seeing where the stylus touches the MintLP due to the short cantilever. Of course my 50 year old eyes didn't help.
For anyone experienced with this, what size/power of loupe did you use and do you have any other suggestions?
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Showing 1 response by dfhaleycko

I just went through this last week, putting a new Dynavector on my Scoutmaster using the Mint LP tractor.

As the previous posters have said, great lighting is really key to the necessary precision. I set it up using the hand-magnifier, then discovered on the website a great tip for using the 10X "Lupe" which was to unscrew the clear shield from the loupe which allows you to get the magnifier close enough to the damn stylus to actually be able to see the very fine lines (59 yr. old eyes). Part of the trick was to move your head forward/back, not just the loupe to get a good view. I was amazed at how far off the original setting with the 3x glass was when I looked at the same settings using the 10x loupe. In particular, you could see exactly when the stylus was on the cross between the null points and the arc, which I couldn't really see using the 3x glass. And sonically, it made a real difference when I got it right on the lines. (I know you don't want to hear this).