Mint LP provides Stevenson Alignment

First, I happen to own and like a Mint LP protractor, but over the course of time it has become obvious to me that no one up to now has pointed out that it is providing the Stevenson alignment.  I have even read several self appointed  experts here argue vehemently that either Lofgren or Baerwald alignments are far superior to Stevenson, but then go on to equally strongly advocate the use of the Mint LP.  If ever there were an argument that alignment is somewhat over emphasized in our hobby, this is perhaps a good example of the truth of that thought.  Recently I bought a Feickert protractor, which is very easy to use and have tried all the alignments using it.  I can hear differences, but not always, certainly not on every track of every record, and honestly they are all good.  So don't get you pants in a bunch over this trivial issue.
I level the platter. Level the tonearm. Overhang as best I can estimate.  Eyeball cantilever alignment at two null points. Then be careful with tracking force.  Adjust as necessary. Seems to work.   What is a protractor?  Lol
All these alignment theories are great for mathematicians because in their imaginary world of intellectual perfections these things matter ... in the real world where we just want records to sound good playing music the reality is it just don't hardly even matter.
That there are various alignment methods, and ongoing debates over which is best, does not mean that precise alignment "just don't hardly even matter." It matters very, very much, especially if you seek low distortion and want to minimize wear on your LPs and stylus.
"If you don’t specify a specific alignment when ordering Yip will provide you with designer intended alignment for your specific tonearm."

Not according to Yip. I asked and he told me his protractors are supplied using the Stevenson alignment model. Full stop.
I have four of them here. Only one of which is Stevenson. Two Baerwald and one a modified Lofgren B. 

So that would be news to me. 

Mind you, I have known what I wanted each time I ordered and specified that with Yip.

He had no problem delivering what I requested, although he did ask for clarification and if I was sure about the parameters when ordering the modified Lofgren B as it was a bit unusual. 

That one was delivered to me in November/18. 
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