MD vs. tape

Realizing that neither of these formats are considered audiophile quality, I'm still interested in a comparison between using a minidisk recorder vs. a cassette tape deck for basic recording purposes. My use would be primarily in the car or for taping FM broadcasts, with an occasional home playback of recorded, borrowed CDs/vinyl. I have no substantial investment in either format, but would be interested in a comparison of buying an MD deck vs. a (probably used) tape deck for these purposes. I assume that both formats will become obsolete within a matter of, say, 5 years. So my expectations are only for a temporary system.

Showing 1 response by tonydontc936

You could get a portable MD instead of a deck. Portability is a plus. Digital has more convenient playback. MD's last longer and are reusable. the audio in your car or headphones will suck anyway. BUY VINYL!