ISO headshell for Systemdek IIX / Profile tone arm

I have a spare cartridge I'd like to use with my early-eighties Systemdek IIX turntable by keeping it (the cartridge) in a separate (and, preferably, identical to the one already attached to the tone arm) headshell, so that ideally I could swap the two headshells in and out of the tone arm easily and whenever I wanted.

The problem of course is finding an indentical (or similar) headshell. The Systemdek came with -- as, I've gathered, most Systemdeks did -- a Profile tone arm.

My quesiton to any and all: where might I find a headshell that will fill the bill?
I have the same situation as you, a Systemdek XII and a couple of cartrdiges I'd like to use with it; did you every get a satisfactory response to your query? It seems odd that such a relatively popular turntable/arm would have a headshell that's tough to replace.

Let me know if and where you were able to find one.


B. Kliment
JELCO of Japan made it. I upgraded to an(upgraded-sic) RB300 and it took a lot of work and change of cartridges to get any REAL improvement: the Profile Arm/Grado cartridges are a synergistic match IMO. As for the DEK...I once had a (NIRVANA/VALHALLA LP12+ITTOK+KOETSU BLACK, and while that Rig WAS better, the increase in performance did not justify the price differential. I shall be keeping my Giant Killer: Incidentally Audio-Note are now doing a drop-in Acrylic platter for all Systemdeks...eminently tweakable product!