Luxman T-117 Tuner

Need some performance input on Luxman T-117. This is a digital tuner that got strong reviews in Sterophile about 11 years ago. It is a vintage piece that supposedly "speced-out" better than Magnum Dynalab FT-11. Is the sound smooth, and how good is it in picking up long distance and/or fringe stations. Thank you, Jimbo

Showing 1 response by unit1865

FWIW I have a T-117 and a Sansui TU-717 that I have AB-ed in the same system. The Luxman sounded better- not by much, but definitely better. Slightly "fuller" and richer in the midrange as I recall.
I live in a city with lots of stations, so I've never really tried pulling in distant stations with either.