Lumin X1 dont see many virtual audiogon systems with this?

Why is this?  Lumin X1 looks like an amazing streamer with an exceptional dac.

what am I missing by not seeing it in many systems? Only 3 shown?

Showing 1 response by nosualc

I’ve got a T2 (direct to my amps) and will likely upgrade to an X1 (or its successor) eventually.

I don’t find the X1s limitations to be problematic. I stream exclusively. I need a streamer and a DAC. I don’t ever plan to go back to physical media (or go through the tedium of ripping all my old CDs) so I don’t need an external digital-in, source selection or separate boxes.

The only thing that gives me pause is I think both DAC/Streamer tech is rapidly advancing, and will warrant replacement every 5 years or so. Doesn’t make much sense to me to upgrade too fast, there’ll be a better mousetrap every 3 years. Oh, and the T2 sounds fantastic.