LP collection

I inherited an extensive LP collection of early 50's first pressing classical and opera in stellar condition. Many are unplayed so they are not garage sale fodder. The question is what's the best way to sell them, and I don't want to do it one by one. Should I seperate them into small batches, by label, etc... Thanks in advance. Ron
"03-20-13: Buconero117
Top dollar is a buck each if unopened, picked up. I am working on a buy of 50,000 lps"

Where the hell are you going to put all those records? I can only imagine how much space they take up. I can't help but wonder how long its going to take you to listen to them all.
Try Discogs.com marketplace, it has a very active section for people who want to sell/buy
Any suggestions in terms of a good site(s) to list the 600+ records. I've already sorted the records by label and pulled aside those with value as compared to quantity. 40+ years in the audio business have helped me to know good stuff. Almost all the LPs are from the 50's, mono and stereo, a few from the late 40's and early 60's. I also inherited a large selection of 78's, but I'll deal with them at a later time. Regards, Ron
Top dollar is a buck each if unopened, picked up. I am working on a buy of 50,000 lps. They are not cataloged. Best guess from prior buys is that maybe 5% have value over $5.00.
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If I were you, I would at least take some time to educate yourself on which of those records that you have may be very valuable - you could indeed have some real gems in there. If you just want to get rid of all of them quick, then Elizabeth's advice is good. However, if you really do have some that are worth quite a bit, you will want to sell those individually for sure. Also, bear in mind that most classical music lovers usually tend to like buy things individually, and will often pass on bidding on a big group of things. You will certainly make more money on them in the long run if you sell them individually, though this is a great deal of extra work.
Overall, I think Elizabeth offers some excellent advice. If it were me, I would go through your collection and pick whatever records you think are worth the most. Just put a few on ebay and see what happens. Use the results to help figure out how best to sell the rest of them.
You mention "early 50's" - it would be helpful to know how early (or late), and what labels you have. Are they actually all mono, or do you have some early stereo records (which would take you into the later 50's)?
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Opera usually does not sell has well as traditional classical. I would think bundling opera with classical such as. Audiophile recordings that fitch a handsome amount be bundled along with the opera.Buy 1 get the other free..well almost free. The best to you.