Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000

Right now I have an ARC ref5se and its nice but looking for something of similar quality but warmer (maybe Vac, CJ or something you think will fit well). Looking for smooth sound, full mid range.



Showing 1 response by pinwa

@smodtactical I've built two SP14 preamps using the tubes4hifi.com boards.  You can build it for less than $500 including upgraded capacitors.  The build is quite straightforward with building and wiring to the chassis the biggest pain.  The SP14 sounds very nice but it doesn't outperform my heavily modded Cary SLP-70 although it comes close.  I have yet to succeed in building a SP14 that is completely quiet so that will be a problem if you are planning on using it with efficient speakers or a high powered amp.