Looking for non-boomy full range speakers

I welcome suggestion for the following: I have a small room (11*13) and want a full range yet "light sounding" speaker, floorstanding if possible. What I mean is I want frequency as low as sub-30 (27Hz would be nice) but bass and lower mids not too heavy, just there. Any ideas?
Currently running AP Yara and I need same "idea", just lower freq extension. BTW, I am trying to avoid the "speaker + sub" way......

Showing 1 response by kgturner

gershman acoustics avant garde rx-20! they go down to 24 Hz and can be had for around $2500-$2800 on the used market. i own a pair and they are far and away the best speaker i've ever heard / owned. they can be tight and powerful yet refined and delicate. a true gem and a real sleeper.