Listening to ALL your music

I found that I seem to be listening to only a few CD's in my collection very often. While it is nice to have "reference" recordings, I found that I am concentrating on sound, not music. So, to counter this, I have decided to listen to all my CD's . I will not aquire any new CD's or make any changes to my system until I have listened to every note on every CD I have.

They are arranged alphabetically, and I seem to be able to do 2 or 3 a night. I have close to 700 CD's, so this should take a while.

Has anyone else done this?

Showing 1 response by nikturner920

I hear you.

I went to a changer and dac set up a year ago and it was bliss to have 5 disk random play for casual listening. Found that there are quite a few disks that I like but can't sit through the whole album straight, and lots that I tossed in the changer to fill it up that I loved though hadn't listened to in literally years.

Great to have guests over and do a 3 / 2 split, guests get to pick 3 disks and I pick 2.
