Life of a PS Audio PowerPlant??

Any idea about the life of a line power conditioner? I am talking about the PS Audio PowerPlant 300 Multiwawe I that came out to the market in 2000. Would it be wise to buy a unit this old? Do this kind of devises loose some of their capabilities? Any comments out there. Thanks in advance for your help!

Showing 3 responses by jburidan

The PowerPlant to which Tiofelon refers will overheat. That's the main issue with it; and with the P500, as well.

They tend to overheat even when not loaded with more watts than recommended, and the cooling circuit tend to fail. That's been my experience with two P500 units that I have owned. I traded-up to the PPP, and have had zero issues with it. The PPP is very quiet, and doesn't overheat.
Bombaywalla, you may be right about the P300. If so, thanks for correcting me. My experience has been with the P500, which sucks. And with the PPP, which is good.