Lamm pre amp

Any pre amps that have remote control and use high quality attenuators that has same tonal richness as the Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe?

I can come up with one like cj ET7se S2. Any other recommendations?

Showing 2 responses by phantom_av

Used to own the VAC, Smooth warm sound and eventually got bored of it. Moved to an Atma-Sphere Mp-1 and instantly knew I was missing out on so much more Dynamics, transparency, speed, timing etc etc etc. Never Regretted it. 

Whilst its an old thread what did the OP Decide on?

Atma-Sphere MP-1 would be the cream of the crop within a decent budget range

the Aries Cerat Higher End Pre-Amps are also fantasic choices.

VAC is another good choice i think they are nice soft pleasent sound, if you like that sort of thing.

LAMM would be another excellent choice.


I think the Aries Cerat would win out on this if money is no object thou. Their Inverted Triode Pre-Amps perform on levels not easily achieved by normal circuits. They are costly but thats the price you pay for a 120KG pre-amp!!!!