Joy of cleaning connections with Caig Labs R5

I have not used a contact enhancer for ages. Many years ago I tried TWEEK, but when I spilled the bottle, it ended my interest.
I recently aquired some (old old) Mangepan MGIIbs and they have a lot of jumpers in the back of each speaker 3 banana pair jumpers, the cable banana pair, and a fuse on each speaker!
So I decided to send for some CAIG Labs stuff.
The R5 Power boster is a cleaner and contact enhancer.
I did all the connections and a good improvement in transient speed and clarity is evident in the better sound from the speakers!
(I am not an owner nor stockholder in any company directly or indirectly connected to Caig Labs nor any sales company that could profit from this endorsment)

Showing 2 responses by zaikesman

This is one of those tweaky little areas that I've avoided getting into all this time, but probably ought to check out before they come to take away my audiogeek membership card... :-)
One thing I've wondered about this stuff - meaning the Caig line and maybe a couple others - is that there's, what?, at least 3 different kinds of cleaner/restorer/booster/whatever being hawked here - is all this variety (read: expense, hassle) really necessary?