Jolida 1501 sound gone from great to eh. Help

I got my 1501rc to replace an arcam a65plus. I run it with sovtek tubes and JmLabs Chorus 706. The tubes really help to smooth out the metal tweeters. In my small bedroom the sound rocked. I listen to all kinds of music and this amp had good bass, decent soundstage, great midrange and highs. The speakers were about 4 feet apart and about 2 feet from the rear wall. I sat about 5 feet away. I had a rug in front and a nice tapestry behind me.

Ive moved into a new apartment and put my stereo in a 12x20ft living room along the 20ft wall about 5 feet apart 2feet from the back wall and I sit about 6ft from the speakers. The sound is now unfocused, bright and has poor imaging. I only have a couch in the living room and nothing else (cant afford furniture right now). Is the sound the result of the bare furnishings or should I look to switch my system around somehow.

Showing 1 response by twl

You must acoustically treat the room and find correct speaker placement in that room. You may find that you have to turn the volume level up more to reach similar SPL as your smaller room.

This is normal when changing listening rooms.