JL Audio E112 review

I thought some of you might like to see this review. I have two E110s on order and should have them in a week or two.


Showing 1 response by johnnyb53

10-18-13: James63
Not much interest in these I guess.
Maybe they're just too new for many of us to form an opinion. I have heard some JL Fathoms (very impressed), but not the new E-series. I just looked over the user guide and it looks like the E-series would have great potential for blending with a wide variety of stereo speakers, and would have a leg up on most for blending with mini-monitors because of its built-in adjustable high pass crossover. This should take some pressure off small mains to produce low frequencies and thus improve clarity and dynamic range.

If I had the coin I'd be all over a pair of E110s or E112s.