Issues with AudiogoN forum website, anyone?

A-goN'rs and A-goN Support,

I've been getting the following error on the AudiogoN forum section for the last couple of weeks:

" Application error

An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. If you are the application owner, check your logs for details."

This typically happens when I click on the "All Recent" or "Related to You" link under the BROWSE tab. I've experienced the issue on 2 different windows laptops and a Macbook, so it is not OS related. Seems like a web server issue as I'm not experiencing the same errors on any other websites.

Any other users experiencing the same? A-goN support, are you aware of any current issues? In my experience, I get the error about 50% of the time I try to switch to a different tab/link or click on a different forum post. If I back out and try it again, it usually works, but sometimes I have to try multiple times.


Showing 1 response by shadorne

Me too. Tons of issues on my iPad with Audiogon website until I upgraded my charger cable. Now I only charge my iPad with 99.99% pure oxygen free electrons.

My advice is to upgrade your charger cable or your power supply. Once dirty electrons get into your device then you will constantly have issues.

The good news is this tweak also upgraded my sound from the iPad on YouTube dramatically!!!

/sarc off