Is your image centred?

I am giving up on my old Analog rig soon!
The image on most of my disk is not centred! Some shifted to the left, some shifted to the right!! Yet, some are dead centred!!! WHY???
My rig:
Thorens 125 mark2
SME 2009R
Otofon MC20 Super, Grado Prestige Gold

Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear Luna: In normal conditions I never experienced that trouble, the voice always ( almost ) is dead center on my system and if it is not then something is faulty every where on my system.

+++++ " . If your image is moving around, it's a fault and I would look at your setup. " +++++

so I agree with Stringreen.

When the image " suffer " a shift to one side then I know that something is wrong ( it happen to me more than one time ): sometimes a loose headshell wire, a loose internal tonearm cable, that the tonearm or headshell wires are connected ( by mistake ) in different way than left+/white, right+/red, left-/blue and right-/green , even a phono stage failure on differences on gain between channels, cartridge out of specs, tonearm internal wiring, that the tonearm/phono stage cable is wired in a wrong way, etc, etc.

Your analog rig was out of work for many years as the phono stage so IMHO you have a fault elsewhere, it is not normal what you are " suffering " about.

Well that's is MHO and my experiences about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
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