Is it Possible??

Is it possible for speakers to sound better when you hear them while sitting in a different room that the speakers are in or when you stand behind them?  If so why does this occur and what can I do to improve my listening experience while sitting in the same room as the audio gear. 
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Showing 2 responses by aewarren

When you say the speakers "sound better from a different room", what exactly do you mean by better? More musical? Better bass or treble? More transparent? When you listen from an entirely different room, the room your speakers are in become the speakers or at least a part of them. You are listening to the room (as a speaker); no stereo image.
"I toed the speakers out a little and have noticed some improvement."

Improvement in what? Sound quality? Imaging? Without sounding harsh, you really have to do a better job of articulating exactly what you are referring to.