Introspective of this forum: "Does the Audiophile Community Have a Promlem?" I Say yes!!!

This article is so insightful to this forum and the toxicity in the community. (My Opinion)

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone?

I know I have contributed to the toxicity here and will try to be a better citizen. Hopefully some will read this and see they are part of the problem (LOL)

Some will not and continue to play their roll as the Toxic Avenger.


There is a particular board on a specific forum that was hidden from the outside world because of how horrible it was. Where personal politics and racism was the norm 24-7 and one member even committed suicide after months of abuse. We watched him fight with other members on a daily basis and get a lot of heat back. He was fine most of the time when dealing with him on a individual basis but then he descended into some really horrible commentaries about race and certain countries and he went down the rabbit hole into some dark places.

Websites like ASR hold zero interest for me because a lot of the users are just there to be “right” and make others feel very small because their views don’t align with certain points of view.


Showing 12 responses by mahgister

You accused me of your own sin...

I called cult and dogmatist people who entrench themselves in a process of rejecting unilaterally measuring tools OR subjective experience yes...

Psycho-acoustic teach us that the "timbre" experience cannot be reduced to the spectrum... why?

Because the subjective experience of perceiving the timbre is an irreducible acoustic motivated act of perception UNIQUE in time and place...Reproducing is impossible in the absolute meaning of the word, it is in fact a recreation/translation, being it recording an event or translating it through playback ...Guess why it is so?



Knowledge is not science, and science is not technology... ( knowledge is ALWAYS "personal knowledge" in the precise meaning given by Michael Polanyi)

Then my embeddings controls ARE NOT and could not be science... They are my own knowledge experience, limited and valid for my specific room, specific EARS and specific gear choices...
These embeddings controls linked them in my OWN history...

Anybody could do the same....
You accused me of insulting people because you equated wrongly 3 things, personal knowledge,science, technology, into ONLY one...YOU SIMPLIFY REALITY in a dogmatic binary opposition....Personal knowledge cannot replace science nor technology but the reverse is true also...

Personal knowledge is not science and science is not technology...

I never insulted anyone by stating this simple truth...

Mesuring tools and subjective hearing are not enough by themselves alone they need one another in a PROCESS of encompassing experience, BUT they become dogmas opposed between themselves or they become a "cult" when the the one replaced the other... Only dongmatist do that....

Drink your own vinegar, i will offer my wine...

You reincarnated yourself here many times always comitting the same sins in thinking under new names...Why?

Why not keeping and identity and becoming rational?


Universal Insult coupled with lack of self awareness. Since you need an explanation, a) Calling them cults, b) Many, at least people with objective focus are very aware of psychoacoustics, it is probably even their work you quote, and c) your assumption that your "embedding" is done correctly and d) -- I will let you figure that out on your own.

I dont understand ...Please explain yourself...

My apology to you if i misquoted you...


1,527 posts

@mahgister : perhaps you misunderstood me.

Thanks barts for this truth...

Merry christmast to you  and your family...

You are right! i am less wise than you indeed...

I wish you the best Christmast ever...


@mahgister : don't mind this guy. It's the same dude with multiple previous banned usernames. He is posting with the username he specifically created to harass me, as it sounds like his "cindy" username may have banned again. Avoid / ignore. Don't engage. It can get a lot worse / uglier 

Great post!

I concur with my friend the mechanic who could repair Santa Claus sleigh better than me...

I consider moderation here almost perfectly well done betwwen freedom fine line and censorship...

I wish to my friend and to the moderators here the best Christmas ever....

How many moderators do you think AG has? Volunteers? This isn't a church social club it's a business. I'm pretty sure they have a VERY small staff. 1-3 moderators at the most and they wear their hats 15 more ways. I can tell when a different moderator is in the drivers seat for sure.. Like the weekends. I got hammered by the mods.. I probably deserved it.. LOL

How enunciating clearly the fact that ONLY tool measurements or subjective listening impression alone CANNOT be rational could EVER be a "universal insult" ?

How refusing to abide by "subjectivist" or "objectivist" credo and dogmas could ever be a "universal insult" ?

How could an appeal to think about psycho-acoustic science could be an insult?

Are you deranged?

My question is not an insult but an answer to your IRRATIONAL rant motivated by copy/paste of posts our of their context WITHOUT ANY ARGUMENT...

With 5 posts behind your assault against rationality and thinking, what must do we think?



5 posts

I discovered myself the hard way that "subjectivist" and objectivist" cults are mirrorring the complete ignorance of psycho-acoustic and ignorance of the way to embed each piece of gear optimally..

Universal Insult


Simple try to break the ideological line on ASR...

Good luck....

Here the ideological lines are way less enforced in stone,but there is more AVERAGE dudes with not always very great talent in diplomacy and politeness...

Merry Christmas to you and all....

This forum seems much more hateful and toxic than anything I've seen on ASR.

For sure you are one...

You never impose your self obsession with "science" in a narrow and a petty way...

You have a large mind considering all perspectives...

You never ally yourself with any troll who come to derail audio thread with "objectivist" narrow mind...

You never encourage anyone who mock others because he is superior...

You are really without sin...

You are a marvellous original thinker...

You welcome even one Russian engineer about their original research here, you even read their studies before spitting any post...

You never post childish remark either...

You are without sin ...

Are you not?

Some of us are without sin.



Are you?


An advice: if you had nothing wise to say, dont trail my post...

Ignore me i will ignore you...It is called a gentleman agreement...

You know what a gentleman is dont you?



Thanks for your post artemus_5...


I wish you the best Christmast ever...

Merry Christmas to the wisest old mechanic we have here  in audiogon...

What is a gentleman/woman? A person that makes their company or others feel at ease and as secure as they can. The deck of the Titanic the Band members kept playing. They were Gentle people but noble, sometimes your actions are all that is left to show others the true measure of compassion and to share. Tragedy will always show nobility and unfortunately every character flaw known to man..

Practice makes perfect? NO! BUT it sure helps.. You are what you eat, and you are what you repeat.

A lot of people know they do wrong, they choose to do wrong. So what is the unforgivable SIN? Assuming you will be forgiven.

You live aware, not in the shadows. Wrong is wrong and right is right. THERE is no gray, but there is plenty that is NONE of your business.. LOL

What would you want to be done to the guy/gal on the other side of the mirror?

Merry Christmas Everyone..


And these people connect costly gear to a noisy grid and with no controls of vibrations, and especially important no acoustic serious consideration, save at best minimalistic acoustic treatment.... No acoustic control.... They call that being an audiophile because they hear that amplifier for example sound different...

Ears versus measuring tool....

But this duality has no sense and is completely meaningless in psycho-acoustic....


Great thread !

I discovered myself the hard way that "subjectivist" and objectivist" cults are mirrorring the complete ignorance of psycho-acoustic and ignorance of the way to embed each piece of gear optimally...

We dont listen good sound because it is measured before with the right set of tools , or because our ears say so...The correlation between  the two are necessary....

We listen good sound because we have put in place the optimal acoustic and psycho-acoustic conditions , eliminating vibrations and decreasing the noise floor...