I think my speakers are killing my amps.

I have VMPS FF3 SRE bi-amped w outboard crossover, I have upgraded from the original single panel to the multi planar driver option.
I ran 300w Classe amp on panels but at around 95db it would go into protection. I changed to Aragon 4004 MKII 2 yrs ago that gave 400w and thought I was good till yesterday but while playing pretty loud maybe 100db the amp started making these loud clicking sounds the one channel was just dead. Now I wonder if a mistake was made in planar drivers wiring or in updated crossover. Its possible amp finally bit it after some years of great service but its always the same speaker and it has sent multiple amps into fits. I think maybe its down to 1ohm brutal swing or something but am not smart in that area of electronics. Any ideas would be great, thanks. BTW Classe is in service now but not at loud levels.

Showing 1 response by islandmandan

Hi Chad,

I may be mistaken, memory isn't what it used to be, but if the 4004 is anything like my 3002, I seem to remember there were two internal fuses, one for each channel. Try lifting the lid, and check for them. Like I said, I may be mistaken, but it's worth a try.

Good luck, and regards,