I am considering a luxman 3600 tube amp as my first adventure into tube amplifiers?

I am considering a Luxman 3600 tube amp for my first adventure into tube amplifiers. The amp. has been modified to use KT88 tubes with a corresponding output of 30 Watts, a recent servicing and update of the 3600 to accommodate the KT88 tubes with a corresponding reduction from the original 50 to 30 watts. The unit has received approximately 80 hours of use since this service.  I have been assured by the seller that the $700.00 upgrade was performed by a an experienced service professional, which he has used many times, and has complete confidence in.  I was wondering what members experience has been with the Luxman 3600 and any comments they may have. I will be using the Luxman at low to moderate volume levels with a Acoustic Research Preamp. (LS 25II) and Wilson Benesch Square 2 speakers. I am purchasing the used unit without being able to test it with my existing system due to distance constraints. I must admit I am very excited about purchasing my first tube amplifier and experiencing the holographic sound people talk about.


Showing 8 responses by elliottbnewcombjr

I would not take a chance, like others said, for a first delve into tubes, .....

what other equipment will be involved?

Those speakers are only 87db sensitivity. .30 wpc is NOT enough, SS or Tubes.

For now, perhaps think Tube Preamp into Solid State AMP, 

I would want at least 100 wpc, preferrably more.

You can go to hifishark.com, search for 'tube amplifier'

then, put in your maximum price, and set the criteria to 'price high to low'

, that's how I found that Rogue


If looking to beat someone to a good deal, change to 'first seen, new first'.

And, you can select/limit the country you search in.

48 wpc, remote control, CAD $1,000

you would need to check out the brand and this particular unit's reputation