How To Field Questions About Your Audiophile Lifestyle...

We Audiophiles often have a bit of "The Adams Family" about us to other people..especially to neighbors and those who come into contact with us often.Here are some of the most common questions that come up and some suggestions on how to field them.

Q."About that stereo of yours,; "what kind is it?"
 A. Looking at your watch, "It's a q
uarter to 5."

Q."How much did it cost?"
 A. "I'm not sure.I stole it."

 Q."How come my stereo doesn't' sound like that?"
 A."You need smarter friends with better advice." "I hear they really kick"is 5 words from hell, if you are really serious about your selections.

 Q."Why do you play "Aerosmith" and the "Butthole Surfers"then switch to that "Beethoven"
  A. "Beethoven was a musician too."He went deaf without any rock music at all.

  Q."Why is your furniture differently arranged than everybody else's, all diagonally?"
  A."It has to do with the lighting,"or "Thats the way the previous people living here liked it."

  Q."Why do you always walk backwards when there is a strong wind coming at you ?"
  A."I like to protect my nice face from aging" or "I forgot my ear muffs today."

  Q."Why do you play your CD player with the top off and why does the Xmas tree near it always have greenish blue lights."
  A.It has to do with the absorption of stray laser..Err it's too long a story."

  Q."Why do you have a Xmas tree still up by your CD player?"
  A."It's already September..Might as well just keep it up now."

I hope this helps.


Showing 5 responses by geoffkait

Whoa! What?! Watched black and white images of men on the moon? You couldn’t afford a color TV? NASA couldn’t afford the bandwidth to broadcast in color? Kubrick wanted the moon landing to look real by filming on the lot outside London in black and white? 👨‍🚀

Color video Apollo 11 at,

The interesting thing about TVs is people march right into Best Buy or Target 🎯 and knowing the maximum they will spend select the best looking TV picture in about two minutes, tops. No angst, no hand wringing. Most likely it’s a Samsung or LG. No, not the big curved 4K Samsung, silly, that’s way out of your budget! But when it comes to sound they’re not so sure what it is they’re hearing. Is it mediocre? Is it great? Is it high end? Therein lies the problem. Audiophiles are just not very confident where they fit into the whole picture, sound-wise. Not to mention it’s not so easy finding a truly great sounding system to compare to. Your “ideal sound” is only as good as the best system you ever heard. For some people it was a long time ago and they’ve been chasing the dragon ever since.
As I pointed out recently - as a manufacturer - one should be cautious giving out any information as it can be used against you and we’ve seen a perfect example of that here recently with what’s his name, the Man from Glad.  Moreover, many of the more esoteric and controversial tweaks and inventions happen out of the blue and there may be no obvious explanation acceptable to John Q Public or even to advanced audiophiles.
That’s not really what he said. He said if he could explain it to the average person it wouldn’t be worth the Nobel prize.
True story. There was a time not too long ago when anyone coming into my place had to be blindfolded. There was simply too much heavily classified stuff all around especially but limited to the listening room that I couldn’t afford to make known. Loose lips sink ships. Does seem excessive?