how many have a WAF?

Well seeing as I am a younger member here and many years a way from marriage-if ever. How many of you are married out there? How many of us are single? I ask this simply because I am now single again(as of 15 minutes ago). And those who are married is it happy? any regrets? Everyone here has given me so much advice on everything in life, I figure its time to move onto a more important matter :) "when all of the dark clouds roll away, and the sun begins to shine. i see my freedom from across the way, and it comes right in on time" -Van Morisson

Showing 1 response by marakanetz

WAF meaning if wife(fiance) can/can't tolerate YOU/US...?

Anyone you ask "how many" usually will unswer "2 of us are married here" otherwise it's not a legal marriage rather than polygamy or some other abnormal situation.

For those who're not happy being married or having regrets, I would strongly recommend first to kill regrets and than try to bring a happiness back as hard as you can. If you cannot do it yourself please consult a proper specialist(psychologist).

Tim, If you're realy interested about family situation(s) there are plenty of books about family psychology that you could research and even get an independed-study credit in the college or university:)