How Important is power conditioning if you have

Dedicated lines. I have tried P.S. audio and Audience. I could not tell any difference. I use upgraded power cords and I can detect a slight difference. I read so much about power conditioning making such a big difference but I'm not hearing it.

Showing 1 response by mitch2

Dedicated 20A lines here, one for each amp and one for front end gear. Electric enters the neighborhood through a transformer and then routes to the houses underground. I use an Isoclean 60A on the front end and amps directly into the wall. Everything sounds great. I had a BPT transformer based conditioner before, and couldn't really hear a difference after switching to the Isoclean, since there really wasn't any noise to begin with. I can hear sonic differences between power cords, but none of them sound "bad," just different from each other. In my system, the dedicated lines and the equipment's own power supplies seem to be getting the job done.