How do you organize your LPs?

So I've accumulated upwards of 3,000 records and storage is getting out of hand. I currently have a built-in that holds about 150 of my most listened to. I have 12 Sleeve City boxes that hold 60 each. The rest (a majority) are in other boxes, cabinets, book shelves, etc.
I am planning some cabinetry that will hold ALL my records with room for additional. My question is how do you arrange them? Alphabetical? Genre or some hybrid. I can't continue to look through 500 records to find the one I am looking for.

Showing 1 response by czarivey

I may have several groups of vinyl:

1. Disposal group is usually for worn records that are going to donation facility within close time of next year:-)
2. For sale(The largest group) that is usually sorted by genres(group of jazz, rock, classical and others)
3. In-out collection group consists of records that I'm listening to and sell at the same time sorted by band name. Band member's solo albums may be fit onto the band name as well such as John Paul Johnes or Rober Plant records can be found in Led Zeppelin pile.
4. In collection is sorted similar to In-out collection with the difference that it's not currently for sale.

Overall have near 10,000 records +-