High end speakers without bi-wiring?

Recently, I've read quite a few posts that disclaim the benefit of bi-wiring. The claim is that for bi-wire capable speakers, there is no noticeable difference between bi-wired and single-wired connection, assuming good quality jumper cabbles are used for single-wired configuration.
Then, is there a move from high end speaker manufacturers to forget about the bi-wiring option and just provide single wire for their high-end speakers?
(Well, bi-amping is another issue, but let's not consider bi-amping.)

Showing 2 responses by stanwal

Wilson and some Sonus Faber are single wired, I think the higher end Focal also; my Mini Utopia was single wired. I am sure there are others. Martin Colloms, among others, has suggested that single wireing is better in most cases.
If you have two sets of speaker connections you can still tune the system with single wireing by choice of jumpers and which set of terminals you connect the speaker cables to. I have found it is usually better to use the trebel posts but there is a difference in sound so try both,