Hi-Performance Vibration Control devices Vera-FI VBHs

Vera-Fi VBH isolation devices

My system is a mix of used and new, put together on a retired  budget over time. I think you’ll agree that collectively, it’s well above average. I’m of the CLOSEST to the SOURCE tribe, thus starting changes at the source and ending with speakers- one at a time, listen, repeat.  All kit has been in place 3+ years, the exceptions being cabling, ~ 2 years and Mad Scientist Graphene Oxide contact enhancer and about one year ago replacing my vertical Solid Steel rack with a 3 x 2 x 5ft solid maple top (garage sale for $200!) placed horizontally over 2 metal end tables each resting on Harbor Freight dollies with rubber wheels:

KIT: Audiolab CDT 6000/Audio Alchemy DDP-1 (DAC/Pre) + AA PS 5 optional outboard power supply/amp EVS 1200 (dual mono custom design) by Tweak Audio/Ric Schultz based on dual mono  ICEpower AS 1200 modules- amp plugged into 20amp dedicated line;  transport and PS 5 plugged into Core Power 1800 PLC/speakers Emerald Physics 3.4s. Cabling; Ali-Express knock off name Nordost Odin Gold 2 IC and speaker cables , Xangsane 0.5m Silver  coax cable, boutique power cords Tekline (made in USA)

Initial evaluations done listening to Leon Redbone CD On The Track, Leon minimally accompanied by a small ensemble on just a few of the songs. I listened to this disc hundreds of times over many decades, his raspy voice making some of the lyrics damn near impossible to discern. I put 3 under the CDT 6000 (one directly under the spindle) , I couldn’t figure out how to remove the outer layer of the supplied stickies to a affix the cones to the underside of the CDT 6000, so I used similar cones but with a much larger diameter pointed discs (also used under the amp), hit play and was immediately rewarded with a substantial improvement in clarity, separation, a lowering of the noise floor.  I played the entire disc twice then hung it up for the night. Next day 4 VBHs were positioned under the amp; not easy for a almost 76 yo to get down on my knees and maneuver around the rack. Job done, hit play and unlike the CDT 6000 I was not immediately treated to a similar jump in sonic improvement, in fact to the contrary, now the music lost its snap and sparkle. Oh dear! I played maybe 10 minutes while thinking about why? First thought the amp is a lot heavier than the transport. Odd though this is going to sound, the music began to come alive, as though the material inside the VBH needed to settle. I listened again yesterday and it still sounded quite good.

Today I listened to the entire CD then placed 4 VBHs under the AA DDP-1 DAC/Pre and was rewarded with even more separation; darker background allowed instruments and Leon to appear more 3D like, his raspy voice more sharply focused. His foot tapping more defined. Time to place 3 under the Audio Alchemy PS 5 outboard PS; now we’re cookin. It’s hard to imagine that isolating the power supply could add that much icing on the cake, but it most definitely is. Vocalists have taken a huge step forward in physicality, separation is more distinct

FF 2 days: I decided to try a more complex CD. One of my torture tests: Wilson Philips Greatest Hits. In case you aren’t familiar 3 daughters of well known fathers from various groups. A big step forward as their voices are no longer blurred together, each owning their own space as the sound stage is deeper, wider, and taller. Another plus is their voices are now more chest instead of mostly head, which made this a real torture test for me.

I’m confident that all music selections will similarly take a big leap forward as it did when I placed the last set under the PS 5. Once I get VBHs under my speakers. Ill update then


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