Hearing and emotions

«When Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring premiered in 1913, it was poorly received, agitating its audience to the point of rage, violence, and disgust. At the heart of this phenomenon, as explored by the podcast Radiolab, was the “disorderly and unexpected” chords that ran through the entire piece, which caused a similarly disorderly response in its listeners. A variety of different studies suggest that our hearing is linked to our emotional processes, and simultaneously, our emotions may affect the way our brains process sound.....

Researchers at McGill University in Montreal found that in test subjects who observed that a particularly good piece of music “gave them the chills,” a PET scan measured the release of dopamine. Another group of researchers in Zurich studied the role of emotion in forming memories of sounds and found that strong emotional responses to certain pieces of music enhanced the memories formed around that particular auditory experience.»





Then it is very important to clean our ears, and clean our connectors cable, and it is very important to pay attention to the three working embedding dimensions, mechanical,electrical and acoustical/psycho-acoustical; but cleaning our heart help much...

Some sound/music provoke stress, induce rage and hate, and some others induce love and enhance thinking...And there is also quite a lot between these two extremes...

The main point in my thinking and surprizing one is hate makes us deaf, intellectually, musically and probably in some way physically...

It is not metaphorical claim....But because the effect of hate is under the normal level of perception and at long term, people dont observe it...

All around the world now there is simultaneously an awakening and a tumultuous tempest of hate... It is a changing time...Observe it....

Emotions and music are related so deeply that speech birth is impossible to understand without this relation in mind...

Poetry and prose mode of speech reflect well two modes of thinking, and music can relate these two one with another...

Music is also mathematics growing legs arms and body and speaking about love or the divine....

By the way there is only one emotion feeling in all mathematical activity: enthusiasm etymologically from old greek "En thou theos" Inspiration or possession by a god... A mathematician not litterally possessed by enthusiasm is not a mathematician... An engineer perhaps... 😁😊 But some engineer are great mathematicians, like Poincaré was...Mathematicians are like Musicians or great poets, enthralled in ectasy... Between hard works and despair too for sure....

Ultimately mathematic, music, and everything is love...

There is no hating great mathematicians or hating great composers...

There is no hating great listeners too....Take care of your heart and brain relation...No hate for anyone nor anything especially nowadays....

My love to all....




Showing 26 responses by mahgister


I know what i know..... A little and i like to discuss too much... 😊


I dont think that recommending some writer like Doistoievsky is annoyoing for all and suggesting a relation between Mathematic and other fields of life...

I think you know a little like me and it is a pleasure to exhange about St Basil in particular....

I am incorrigible, i only hope my purgatory will not be too long...

Thanks for your kindness and patience ...

My best wishes in these unusual times....


people who claim to know everything in the world are very annoying to us ( us who really know everything ) .

in short, you are incorrigible))))


extreme error - "all faith is love"

Faith is not reducible to belief like i wrote... All beliefs are not love indeed....

I would have better written "integral" or all faith is love...

The fact that all beliefs are not equal is a common place fact...It is true for sure...

The fact that too much information can create indigestion is another common fact i cant argue against...This is why understanding need forgetfulness while sleeping or being awake... The source of our love make us inattentive to the rest of the universe time to time... Ask a botanist seeing a plant in his living sphere...

Faith is the mode of operation of psychophysiology (complete shutdown of critical functions) ... this is only part of the formula.

Belief is a better word for what you just described above not faith...Faith is born from belief yes, but is growing way over belief like a butterfly out of his caterpillar state....

Belief fear doubt, faith dont fear doubt, it welcome it...

"Religious people" generally dont doubt, only mystic doubt themselves on the road because they deeply think and deeply love...Mystics dont try to convert and they dont argue...

The language of mystics , when they spoke out of silence, is rigorous like a mathematical sets of equations and moving like a poem...The creator of modern Mathematics, Georg Cantor, was a mystic, like Ramanujan was or Grothendieck...There is a deep relation between encompassing love and universal memory and the encompassing series of numbers and the gesture of geometry...

Cantor was even mocked when he make a comparison between sets of limited size and what motivate their limitation of size and the absolute manifesting itself out of himself....For sure he was a Christian mystic....Without Cantor no modern mathematics though...Transfinite set theory parallell all teachings of Dionysius the Areopagite... It is not by chance...And Dyonisus was understood more and better in the Orthodox church than in the Catholic one...Mystic understand mystic...

But all saints are not made of the same cloth too...They are like us walking on a road...




Satanism ultimately is not the opposite of love, fear is the opposite and absolute loneliness is the opposite with the illusion of power.......

Satanism participate from a non evolutive path closed on itself...Satanism cannot oppose love only ignore it and protect himself from it in a closed circuit...

And for us humans, these opposite , for us only, not for love itself or the source of love, these opposite invite us to tune ourselves on the right band for sure...We are limited beings in search and walking ...


But you are right also, these deep mysteries can be evoked by words but cannot be understood by our limited self....



Has anyone told you that you get carried away when cornering? )

I try not to judge people first.... If i did and if i am wrong i apologize...

You dont "cornered" me... We discussed...

You suggested after a first sarcastic post some interesting matter to discuss...

I thank you for that...

I suggested my own reflections like my own answers to your suggestions...

What you called my "carrying away" is a larger perspective i always try to keep in sight...

If not we are blinded by our own beliefs...

Beliefs are useful like a scaffold or like crutches...

Faith is not a belief...If it was, Christ will had never walk on water....

And if Basil was a saint, it was not so much about his beliefs but about the way he perceive reality...

Beliefs are some glass which can also be blinders...

Miracles come from faith not from beliefs, and all faith is a love...



My best to you......

A philosopher will spend his life on original ideas and elegant phrases ... but he will die like everyone else ... (considering that he lost time - he risks going to hell) ... it is more profitable to devote time to training ... and only at the end of life (if there are significant results) - to convey something to people ...

If people go to hell because their job was teaching reading and writing motivation and reading too much, with no great experiences in some craft , i will deserve a deep hell for sure !... 😊

Is reading and writing a craft?

Is thinking and contemplation an activity?

You remind me of my father who lived a very hard life as an orphan in the great depression and never understood my "foolishness" leisure, at the times i rebelled against him without knowing why he was such , i was immature; now i understand why he was saying such, and like you he was right; like i was right on my path...

Thanks for this moving memory moment....




Folk wisdom:

"Even a fool can be right at some hour each day like a clock"

" Our paths are only created by our own feet "


In the infinite only love can guide us, because only love is  infinite...

The best way to understand something is to compare .


We begin to understand something when we admit that we dont understand it at all to begin with ...

What is a plant?

What is a stone?

What is an animal?

In spite of all the others things related to the thing we want to understand and with which it compare...In spite of what we know....We must admit we dont understand it...

Comparison is a scaffold to a place where there is no more bar to the ladder...

Then we immerse ourself in the thing we want to understand.... We experiment it with all our being... After comparing the plant with the stone and the animal, we begin to understandding it by reading it like a meaning of his own....

We connect to it, forgetting everything else ... We see it for the first time then...Like children do....


Understanding is not a translation in a language....It is a peak experience with no language...language is like a path throwing us on the mountain...We compared all the paths forgetting about the apex and what is over it and around us already... Meaning is not the letter...

Color are not "information" but a new state of being....Colors cant compared to anything.... All that exist is colors...Or sounds... or tastes... Or etc....

And reality and illusion are only opposite alternative when we compared things...My brain is not in a vat informed to create this precise illusion... The spirit/soul is not a brain...No more than an antenna and a filter are a musical concert....

We are all connected through love with a meaning experience which exceed knowledge and understanding...

To know we must compare, we live and we absorb something, to understand we must forgot and we must give off everything and ourself to, we exhale and die ...

In life it is a musical rythm...A respiration....It is love...

Then yes to know that something exist we must compare, we must absorb it, but if we want to understand, we must no more compare but forget about any comparison, we give ourself completely to it...

It is the reason why "sin" is necessary and meaningful....Forgetfulness is necessary too...

Sleep help ideas...

Dreams live between what compare and what cannot compare...

And love encompass all dreams...

Understanding is not knowledge, and knowledge isnot science, and science isnot technology...

We know the prime numbers but we dont understand them yet...We know a dog but we dont understrand it yet....

It takes love and forgetfulness to understand... Meaning is not so much meaningful at first ...

Comparison pertain to the prosaic mode, metaphor pertain to the poetic mode...

Metaphor is deeper than comparison... But contemplative silence is much deeper...


Is it not astonishing that saints real life read like a tale in all religions ?a very big mistake to say "in all religions" ...
these are completely different things.

I dont think religions and spirituality are exactly the same thing.... They intersected but do not identify...

There exist saints and man of God in all religions...

It is a mountain with a unique apex... All religions are walking paths...


I am sorry i listened to it without reading the Russian title...

My bad....

Thanks for the marvellous story ...

Is it not astonishing that saints real life read like a tale in all religions ?

Here reality and tale meet like particle and wave in quantum mechanic...


fairy tale story? - no, this is not a fairy tale ... an episode of the life of a saint (Basil the Blessed) is described ... here he is depicted in the picture ... when he died, the king personally buried him. A cathedral was built in his honor. (bottom right corner) 



Once I knew a girl - she knew Dostoevsky almost by heart (close to the text from any line) ... It was very impressive ...But after a while it became obvious to me - she didn’t understand almost anything...

Perhaps you are wrong and she understood the part of Doistoievky that correspond to her or speak to her...

The same for you...

Interpretation is a spiral dynamic....In two directions...

Perhaps it takes you two together for the perfect interpretation...

Now I thought - if "we are no longer the same before and after" ... then who was she before))))))))) if now she is a fool

You forgot the most important part of my observation : "We are no more the same before and after....But the transformation is not always evident at first...Sometimes it takes a life "of practice" to manifest..."


one day she said - "I’m dating a stripper now ... I think he’s a bandit"

we (several men) laughed to tears...

Perhaps all men in love would like to be a bandit to please a beautiful woman...

 To be a stripper is not necessary, It is the bandit part that attract woman....




a very debatable question - should everyone read this ...

if you read the book "how to lift a heavy barbell" - it will not make you strong .... only practice!

You cannot oppose to an advice another advice if the two are not contradictory...

Then i think the same...Reading a book is not enough sometimes.... But i advised people about reading books all my life... 😁😊

And some book are transformative anyway without any need to practice...(Dostoievsky book is like some part of the scripture, immediately transformative) We are no more the same before and after....But the transformation is not always evident at first...Sometimes it takes a life "of practice" to manifest...


It’s like teaching elementary school students quantum physics...

And children already know quantum mechanics by the way, but not in a mathematical way... 😁😊

(For the anecdote, my teacher try to teach us Cantorian theory of the infinite when i was 14 years old, because he was annoyed to teach the regular matter, it take me on a life search that was, thanks to him, very rewarding and it put my friend with whom i discussed  the matter in recreation time on the road to be a mathematician... Then dont underestimate children....)


What is your beautiful story tale , about instantaneous communication at distance, appearing and disapearing money, and the two level of reality united and seen through? Quantum mechanics...And Love....

It is most physicists who dont understand Quantum mechanics... ask Feynman...

The trouble is with the mathematics interpretation...



The specifics of our time is this - rich people have become prohibitively rich - their main goal is to pass on the loot to their children and get rid of the excess population of the planet ...
Therefore, they drive the broad masses of people into the Stone Age - they deprive them of education, medicine, they do not allow them to develop (they force them to communicate in language 1 - emotions) ... covid 19 - probably a test of the pen ... I think this is a test of weapons

I will not add anything to contradict you here... I think the same...



By the way, are you sure that your attitude towards people is not changeable? like if a person hits you with a stick?

I am an imperfect human being....

I reacted a lot...

But there is a difference between  crossing a muddy road and taking a bath in mud...

I feel very angry sometimes, but i dont stick to hate....

Hate make us idiots...Like thieving make us poor....

My favorite novel by far is Dostoievsky : "the dream of a ridiculous man"



Wow! i love the video.... Thanks....

A perfect   storytelling....With a musical marvellous piece....

There was a language of emotions, then a language of gestures, then a language of words - the future of mankind is a language in the form of a play of light and color ... (scientist Vernadsky - the doctrine of radiant humanity)




At last something deep and interesting to chew on ...


Vernadsky is a genius all people must read...



I concur with your remark about the"future language"...

A ball of living synesthesical information ...

Scriabin guess it at the same time Vernadsky thought about it...

Scriabin is one of my favorite composer... 😁😊



I dont need to clarify anything TO YOU ...

Respect the matter of this thread.... Clarify your own head privately.... Thanks....

i send you love....Is this making me a pedophile? 😁😊

By the way, i said " my love to all"....Not "my love to everyone"....Learn how to quote right....

And there is perhaps 7 types of love in Greek Times, but there is one type of hate only through all universe...


Think about that....



@mahgister it would be nice to clarify about your final phrase "my love for everyone" - we are talking about AGAPE (the Greeks have 7 types of love) ...otherwise people will think that you love including pedophiles, Hitler ... and the like


Could a sound be so powerful that it fill all your life after hearing it?


 What is the name of the emotion associated with this sound, before any  music playing  ?


We all see colors listening music but we dont know it...We see the possible colors, not an actual associated one with the sound like this female violonist above...

For me music is form, a dynamical flows of forms....A symphony is a cinematic piece, like a film....

It is not synesthesia but imagination becoming sensible enough to be seen...

Everybody see music in his own way....



What if there is no more an actual emotion, or a potential emotion, like with the music inspired by numbers, but an ocean of virtual emotions emerging as colors ?


What is this rising emotion? Is there is one emerging?

Sound is an hydra, a possible virtual emotion waiting to raise all his heads inside you....

Music is only taking note of it...


There exist a set of known emotions, an expected response, from a human created pattern...

But uncreated pattern can evoke "unknown" emotions, or not yet known one...



How old are you?

The same as me?

18 years old.... ? 

There is too much old gringos here anyway...Welcome!



«Music is a complex interplay of being both cultural and universal, in the same way language is. Music is also closely tied to communication, and in fact may have predated language itself. In this context it makes sense that it can be so emotionally powerful»


