Gryphon Diablo 300 or Pass Labs Int-250 to Sonus faber Amati Tradition

What is the better match between Gryphon Diablo 300 or Pass Labs Int-250 to Sonus faber Amati Tradition?


Anyone heard both amp to this speaker?


Showing 1 response by nyev

I don’t have experience with the Pass integrated but when I was home demoing amps I was testing separates, including those McIntosh amp preamp models, I couldn’t find any amps that didn’t make some genres of music sound harsh and grating to my ears over extended listening. Then I tested the Diablo 300. There was no comparison the Diablo sounded far superior than any of the separates that I was testing, that together cost about the same as the Diablo. Plus with the Diablo you don’t need an added interconnect and power cord.  I ended up buying the Diablo and I’ve enjoyed it for a few years now.