Great bass from a linear tracking arm?

Is great bass and full, rich, mid-bass/upper-bass 'presence' possible from a linear tracking arm?

Is one brand better than the others in this regard:
Airtangent, Kuzma, Walker, ET, Cartridgeman, Forsell, Rockport, etc.?

Is it all just a matter of cartridge selection?
I'm told that an ultra-light cartridge in combination with a light linear tracking arm will produce the best bass.

Showing 5 responses by sirspeedy70680e509

Well as to the A.T. holding up under high pressure,in the long haul,both of my friend's had this exact compressor combo going for about ten years(I don't know how high the pressure was,but I do know it was way more than the stock model).The only reason they sold the arm was that they were getting a bit "long in the tooth",and wanted a really convenient,non maintenance arm,so switched to a unipivot.Both arms had absolutely zero maintenance issues in the "about a decade" of usage.
BTW,one friend had the 11,500 dollar remote vta model,while the other had the bargain priced 8,500 dollar(that's a joke)manual vta arm.
Personally I love the Kuzma arm,and am only relating how much better the Air Tangent actually is,as opposed to the stock(and it's not bad at all) model with pump.
As a little back story,let me mention that both of these guys(fanatical LP collectors,I mean FANATICS)started out going through a lot of really good arms,but felt the linear design offered "real gains".So after living with some pivots(nice arms,but not the maxxed out A.T.)they switched to a modded ET-2 model,and started playing around with the pump/compressor issue.There were about six guys,in my little circle that went this route,so all mods were then done by committee(a great way to have "instant guinea pigs").
Eventually one went for the "amazing" auto setting(sitting in your seat,you can adjust vta,for every record,on a digital read out)11,500 dollar Air Tangent.Then friend #2 went for the Regular "cheapo"(-:) model for 8,500.BTW,both got sizeable discounts,as they knew industry folks.
Eventually,both started collaborating on how to improve on the bass,so the theorizing began.Ultimately friend #1(and get ready for this)started talking about the hobby to his dentist,who just happened to offer to sell him a HUGE used compressor,he no longer needed.Cheaply priced too!So we were off to the races.
This turned out to be a "windfall" upgrade( I have no clue what the model,or specs are).So my close(in distance and friendship)friend went scoping out the dentists in his neighborhood(seriously),to see if any had this unit coming up for sale.
Don't laugh!!!He found a guy in short order(we hobbyists are fanatics,afterall)and got the exact pump dirt cheap!
Here's where I,and a ton of other hobbyists come in,as we had heard ALL previous arms,cartridges,and pumps(a few,btw).The difference was absolutely amazing,and quite honestly this newfound analog accuracy really impacted how I listen to vinyl,as I have a multitude of very desireable LP's,which I obtained after hearing so many of these at my friend's home.Actually he was nice enough to sell me many of his doubles.Cheap(he's a great guy)!
He has almost every well reviewed LP in existance,and could easily buy a condo(seriously)if he sold his collection!His sound system is absolutely fantastic,and mega-fullrange,but not of the "latest must be greatest" variety,as he is not impacted by anything but two great ears.He comes from the update/mod to your taste school!
The compressor was located in the closet,of one of his "three" record rooms.It really was hysterically funny,to see this "motot boat sized" schtick,sandwitched betweeen three pillows,because of the start up noise(not really bad,actually).BUT the darn thing realy worked,yet is now SADLY gone.As is the Air Tangent.He simply felt that it literally hurt his hands to change the dessicant(his description,and I have no idea what that is)as he is getting on in years,and has been fanatical long enough.
So,now,when I read some of these threads,that are "way technical"(yet wonderful,and entertaining in the best way)I have to smile,as I have seen it ALL,so many times before,with this loveable crowd of "nuts",who merely tolerate me.Too much fun for only one lifetime!!
As the Kuzma arm moves across a disc the downforce "slightly" changes.This was reported by JV in TAS.That IS a BIG issue,and should be considered a design flaw.
As to the issue of a better pump for the A.T.I believe many amps/pre-amps are bettered with "better" NOS tubes.It's all part of the "hobby",I guess.I'm not complaining though.
Sorry about my keyboarding.I am a novice at this,so you'll have to bear with me.

Sorry,Raul,but if you have ever heard an Air-Tangent(with modified pump/compressor)I believe you would change your last opinion,on the subject.This combo(the compressor MUST have alot of compression power,beyond the standard unit)absolutely will change the mind of the most jaded Pivot lover(I have a pivot,but my ears tell me something,sometimes).I am ONLY referring to an Air Tangent with this particular compressor,for this EXTREME level of performance.
"The Air Tangent not only had less bass but it was vague and lacking in detail solidity extension impact etc".......Seriously,and I truly mean NO disrespect,but you have not heard a well set up Air Tangent.I have had two friends,who went to HUGE aftermarket compressors,to solve the pressure issue,as it relates to bass impact,and other performance areas.I have heard this arm compared to others,and if one is willing to go to the limit(I was not,and don't blame anyone for not wanting to,either)there is a level of "analog bliss" available here,that simply defies believability.The entire Mercury LP and RCA reviews,in TAS,were done using this heavily modded Air Tangent,and it is simply amazing.It has recently been replaced by a very popular unipivot,and the entire system,though still very good,lacks the "absolute magic"of the Air Tangent.Other fellow hobbyists,hearing the A.T.'s replacement are in mourning,like me!!-:)
BTW...virtually all these arms are fabulous possessions to own,so we all are sharing in analog's golden age revival.Right?To me,the really big breakthroughs,in vinyl,are being made with the NEW plethora of AMAZING cartridges coming out,seemingly every month or so.GREAT HOBBY!!!
I heard very fine bass performance with ALL the ET arms my friends ran.We(me) are talking about different degrees of "really good".
I have a very good unipivot,and can fine tune "the heck out of it",thanks to what I heard on my friend's Air Tangent,which caused me to try to duplicate some of what I liked,there("some",only).I never felt the need to do so,until I heard so many of my LP's played on my pal's maxxed out A.T.Try the Penderecki Harpsicord Cto,on EMI to know the meaning of "drop dead dynamic/huge,juicy scaled stage",(or the soundtrack to Rashomon)on a pivot.Then play it on a maxxed out linear arm.Case closed,no matter how much rationalizing one cares to do.I wish it was not so,but it IS!!
Prior to that,I thought I was happy.But I will never lie to myself,to rationalize something I own,if I have heard otherwise.Of course I always tell myself that the tubing runs,and pump maintenance would be a bit much,but my friend's really did not work too hard once everything was installed.So now I am rationalizing that I don't want to send back my armboard for re-drilling.TOO much wasted time.Of course I admit to lying to myself,here!The linear arms I have heard(the Forsell is GREAT too,but a bit flaky,and NOW really rare)have something the pivot crowd will not be able to hear,no matter how good(and many are fabulous)they may be designed,or carefully set up!
BTW,the NEW Cartridge Man Parallel Tracker seems to be of a very high quality,and is nicely(fairly)priced.This looks to be a really good design,and has gotten some very good feedback.
I can only speak of the linear arms I know well(E.T./Forsell/Air Tangent),and don't care to spout techno stuff.The practical advantages of a "really good linear tracker" is easily heard,and I wish I had the spare time to screw around with one.
Still,there are a load of very fine pivots(no surprise there),and I am quite intrigued(not that it means anything)with the Dynavector arm,which seems to be kind of a bridge between the pivot,and linear,in some ways.
Perhaps some of the more technical oriented hobbyists could elaborate,here.I PROMISE I will never be a contrarian again!!!!