Good match for Adcom 555?

Hi all.

I'm putting a second system together of all old components that I've heard in the past and been impressed with. So far, I've got a Heybrook TT2 turntable and an Adcom 555 amp. Question is what speakers would be a good match with the amp. Doesn't matter if they're floor standing or stand mounts, they just have to be relatively cheap--say, 400-800 a pair. Used is fine, as you might guess....

Oh, preamp will probably be either a CJ PV9 or PV10.

Thoughts appreciated.

To concoct a cohesive couple, I recommend forgiving speakers that are rated under 90db. The 555 tends to be a straight forward, in your face amplifier. I’ve owned the 555 and the 555II. The 555 sounded nice with a pair of Magnepan SMGa's I owned. You also might look on the used market for KEF, Vandersteen or Rogers.
I will second the Vandersteens. I ran The 555MkII with a Conrad Johnson PV-7 pre amp and Vandy 2Ce. Very good sound and synergy for the bucks.--Ken
I'd say just stay away from metal tweeters, that amp is definitely better on soft domes, like Montanas.
Thiels won't work either....
I've tried.